About Us

PopHealth Consultancy is a specialized consulting firm dedicated to strengthening public health efforts in education, interventions, and social science research.

Our focus is on population health—the health of entire communities and groups of people—because our well-being is influenced not just by our individual choices, but also by the environment and factors around us. We believe that a tailored approach to improving population health is more effective and lasting than the traditional "one size fits all" model.

At PopHealth Consultancy, we envision a future where public health initiatives build on community and national strengths, use innovative best-practices, and are culturally responsive.

We bring a tapestry of experience and skills, driven by social responsibility to improving the health and wellness of communities, both domestically and internationally.

We have experience working with urban, rural, and tribal communities, in the United States and East Africa.

Our clients represent a range of sectors, including education, healthcare, and both the public and private sectors.

  • Catherine Mwai, MPH


  • Catherine Mwai is a population health scientist and the founder of PopHealth Consultancy. Catherine has over a decade of experience as a public health practitioner and researcher across diverse sectors and populations.

    Most notably, as a junior researcher she conducted the first national study on cancer care systems in Northern Somalia with a Somali-based NGO. As an educator, she developed the first health education curriculum focused on Native youth for a rural K-5 school. And as a social entrepreneur, she strategised with providers regarding a digital health intervention for a cardiovascular center. She has presented at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, American Public Health Association, Yale Ventures, and Child Life Conference.

    Catherine holds a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the Yale School of Public Health, and certificates in Law and Sustainable Development from the University of Cambridge. After graduate school, she trained as a junior research scientist focused on community engagement and health disparities through a prestigious National Institutes of Health fellowship.